Emergency Preparedness / Health and Safety / Business Continuity Management / BCP

Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Plan Template Resources

Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Plan Template Resources are our core to help your business.

Call us for more on 021 074 5960

Business Continuity & Disaster, Jenny Ewing, Principal – from The Disaster Preventer Guru is the Business

Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Guru is Jenny. Jenny is second-to-none in terms of her skill and professional experience. Jenny has been involved in emergency preparedness and response for over thirty years nationally and internationally within the public, private and NGO sectors. Within the past 10 years she has been involved more actively in enhancing resilience through Business Continuity Management and Health and Safety to complement the holistic approach around reducing and mitigating organisation risks that cause disruption to business as usual. Jenny is passionate about enhancing not only business resilience but also community resilience.

So why don’t you engage an experienced New Zealand local as a specialist for this  “Shaky Island”, for Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery an more, to keep your business surviving in times of crisis – whatever that may be? WE ARE HERE To HELP.

If it’s “Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Plan Template Resources” that you want, then call 021 074 5960 now.